Liitu meeskonnaga
Apartments24 hostess
See töökoht on sulle, kui…
- pead oma kireks inimestega suhtlemist
- väljendad oma mõtteid eesti, inglise või ka vene keeles
- hindad võimalust teisi aidata
- oled nutikas, aktiivne ja julge
- naudid lisaks otsesuhtlusele ka virtuaalset suhtlust
- pead tähtsaks arenguvõimalusi
- väärtustad toetavat tiimi ja vaheldusrikast töökeskkonda
- omad B-kategooria juhilube
- voodipesude ja hügieenitarvikute komplekteerimine vastavalt broneeringutele
- külaliskorterite koristamine ja ettevalmistamine uute külaliste saabumiseks
- vajadusel külaliste vastuvõtmine ja korteritesse juhatamine
- abitööd
Omalt poolt pakume:
- huvitavat ja väljakutseid pakkuvat tööd
- tööautot
- sõbralikku ja toetavat meeskonda
- arenemis- ja õppimisvõimalust kiiresti kasvavas ning arenevas ettevõttes
- omatöötaja soodustusi
- allahindlusi partnerite juures
- motiveerivat boonussüsteemi
Kui oled tõsine kinnisvarahuviline, siis meie oleme valmis jagama oma teadmisi, oskusi ja kogemusi, et aidata ka Sinul jõuda oma esimeste investeeringuteni.
Tööaeg: osaline tööaeg
Tööle asumise aeg: niipea kui võimalik
Apartments24 hostess
This position is for you, if…
- your passion is to communicating with people
- you express your thoughts in Estonian + in English or Russian
- you appreciate the opportunity to help others
- you are smart, active and brave
- you enjoy virtual communication as well as face-to-face communication
- you value opportunities to learn and develop
- you value a supportive team and a varied work environment
- you have B-category driving licence
- packing bed linens and essential hygiene accessories according to reservations
- cleaning and preparing apartment for the arrival of new guests
- if necessary welcoming guests and guiding them to their apartments
- additional tasks
We offer:
- interesting and challenging work
- work car
- friendly and supportive team
- opportunity to develop and learn in a development-oriented company
- benefits for the employees
- discounts at partners services
- motivational bonus system
If you are also real estate enthusiast, we are eager to share our knowledge, skills and experience to help you to get started in investing.
Working time: partial worktime
Start time: ASAP
Apartments24 cleaner
See pakkumine on just Sulle, kui Sa…
🤍pead oma tõeliseks kireks inimestega suhtlemist;
🤩lähed särama, kui saad kedagi aidata;
📚väljendad oma mõtteid hea meelega ka inglise või ka vene keeles;
🏖hindad vabadust töötada seal kuhu suvi Sind viib;
🦁oled julge nagu lõvi ja nutikas nagu rebane;
💻armastad ka virtuaalset suhtlust ja nutilahendusi;
🚀pead tähtsaks arenguvõimalusi;
🥰tunned, et toetaval tiimil on suur väärtus.
Kirjuta meile, me ootame Sind! ☺️
Our mission is to provide guests with an unforgettable experience by offering excellent customer service and top-of-the-line amenities. We are proud to offer a wide variety of apartment types and sizes to accommodate guests of all ages and lifestyles. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, we’re sure to have the perfect apartment for you.
We invite you to experience all that our apartments has to offer. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Welcome to our hotel! Our mission is to provide guests with an unforgettable experience by offering excellent customer service and top-of-the-line amenities. We are proud to offer a wide variety of room types and sizes to accommodate guests of all ages and lifestyles. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, we’re sure to have the perfect room for you.
Our hotel features a variety of on-site amenities, including a heated pool and spa, a fitness center, and a business center. We also offer a variety of dining and entertainment options, including a full-service restaurant and bar, a coffee shop, and a 24-hour convenience store.
We invite you to experience all that our hotel has to offer. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
The Art of Hospitality
We are a team of local hospitality, tourism and real estate enthusiasts.
Some of us have more experience in real estate industry. Others have more experience in hospitality and customer service. We are eager to share all our knowledge with other real estate enthusiasts.
Our Values
We all know that TIME is the most valuable asset we have.
We believe that the SPACE that surrounds us is a part of us.
The basis of our success is PEOPLE, with whom we create value for customers.
Our elegant hotel features spacious rooms with elegant décor, and all the amenities you need to feel at home. Enjoy a delicious meal in our elegant restaurant, or relax in our luxurious spa. Our hotel is the perfect choice for business or leisure travelers alike. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

The Art of Hospitality

The hotel team is responsible for providing customer service and ensuring that all guests have a pleasant stay. The team includes front desk staff, housekeepers, and maintenance staff.

Zain Calzoni
Front desk

Dulce Bergson
Food service

Brandon Siphron

Dulce Aminoff

Get In Touch
+372 5782 6806
Kooli 1, Rakvere